School of Educational Sciences :: The University of Jordan ::

  School of Educational Sciences - Department of Educational Psychology

   Study PlanProgram
MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Learning and Development (Thesis Track) MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Learning and Development (Thesis Track)../StudyPlans/learning and development.pdf
Ph.D. In Educational Psychology / Learning and DevelopmentPh.D. In Educational Psychology / Learning and Development../StudyPlans/تعلم ونمو دكتوراه إنجليزي.pdf
MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Learning and Development (Non - Thesis Track) MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Learning and Development (Non - Thesis Track)../StudyPlans/تعلم ونمو شامل إنجليزي.pdf
PhD. Educational Psychology / Measurement and EvaluationPhD. Educational Psychology / Measurement and Evaluation../StudyPlans/علم النفس التربوي قياس وتقويم دكتوراه إنجليزي.pdf
MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Measurement and Evaluation (Thesis Track)MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Measurement and Evaluation (Thesis Track)../StudyPlans/قياس وتقويم رسالة إنجليزي.pdf
MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Measurement and Evaluation (Non - Thesis Track) MASTER IN Educational Psychology / Measurement and Evaluation (Non - Thesis Track)../StudyPlans/قياس وتقويم شامل انجليزي.pdf