The department of Library and Information Science (LIS) has begun as a program granting the degree of higher diploma in library and information science since the academic year 1977/1978. Then it became a program that grants professional diploma degree in library and information as part of the Department of Educational Administration. In 2006/2007, it started as a department of library and information science with professional diploma degree. In the academic year 2007/2008 a program for master in library and information science was started. In 2008/2009 a program for BA in library and information science was added. This department was an active contributor on the both school and university educational, teaching, research journey as well as community service. It also helped in the formation of leaders in libraries and information centers in Jordan. The LIS department thorough its programs, focuses on excellence and innovation as a way to understand working environment and problems it has. It also offers advisory services for librarians and information specialists.